Manuel Sager, what reasons led you to engage with Ruedi Lüthy Foundation?
Manuel Sager: The concept of Newlands Clinic and Ruedi Lüthy Foundation convinced me from a developmental and humanitarian point of view. They follow a comprehensive model of care for HIV-positive patients. Furthermore, the organisation is supporting vocational skills and the establishment of small income-generating businesses. This is how Ruedi Lüthy Foundation is engaging against poverty for people who are marginalized because of their HIV infection. Additionally, the foundation is providing well-founded training for local healthcare workers and doctors in HIV management. Life-saving knowledge transfered and tailored to the situation in Zimbabwe. I know how important this help for self-help is from my practice in development and cooperation.
Ruedi Lüthy, what made you appoint Manuel as a board member?
Ruedi Lüthy: We met at a dinner with friends. This led to a relationship with interesting conversations. It took me some time before I dared to ask him. As General-Director of SDC, he worked with much bigger organisations in comparison to ours. He brings a lot of experience in international relationships, NGOs, and development and cooperation. Thanks to his constructive personality he adds well to our current board. Besides his experiences and knowledge, his attitude and moral concept were decisive. I have been very happy upon his acceptance and our Board of Trustees was surprised.
Manuel Sager: Positive chemistry is very important for a board. But I see myself as someone who is asking critical questions. This is our duty as a Board of Trustees. Is the strategic profile of the organisation on point? Are resources being used efficiently? Sometimes you need to answer "no" to these questions.
Ruedi Lüthy: This is what I am expecting.
Manuel Sager, what goals are you pursuing?
For me, a structural and harmonious interaction between the organisational units is very important. I’ve already experienced that the foundation fosters a constructive discussion culture. This encourages me. Furthermore, I am fascinated by strategic matters, especially in an everchanging environment such as south-east Africa. The challenges of small and big foundations are more or less the same. In addition to successful governance, important subjects are optimized resource input, adopt a high profile, high accountability, and crisis communications. I gained a lot of good and bad experiences in these fields throughout my career and learned some important lessons. I am going to contribute this knowledge to the Board of Trustees.
What are you hoping for, Ruedi Lüthy?
Ruedi Lüthy: Development and cooperation are more than building a well or a school. It is all about the philosophy that stands behind a project. To go somewhere and show the people how it is done, is horror for me. You need to discuss the needs and find solutions with all the parties involved. Both sides need to come to an understanding. Development and cooperation are diverse and complex. As a doctor, I am not aware of all the difficulties and chances. I hope that Manuel Sager will give his input, share his experiences and come up with new ideas. Together we will enhance our foundation. There is still a lot of need in this world.
Manuel Sager, you were Director-General of SDC when you met Ruedi Lüthy. SDC is supporting the Ruedi Lüthy Foundation financially - a conflict of interest?
Manuel Sager: Ruedi Lüthy appointed me when I already had stepped down as Director-General in April 2020. When SDC is going to decide about the next funding, I will be out of the office for almost four years. There is no connection between funding and my engagement in the Board of Trustees at Ruedi Lüthy Foundation. Whether in the past nor in the future. Nevertheless, I clarified my engagement with the SDC and the legal service of FDFA. Even though there were no legal reasons against it at any given point of time I waited until December to approve to the appointment.
How did the Board of Trustees deal with this question?
Ruedi Lüthy: We were aware that it could look like a conflict of interest at first sight. From the beginning, we took this matter seriously and discussed it thoroughly. Him, waiting after he stepped down as General-Director for some time, removed all our doubts. This has been very important to us. There was no intention of getting funds through this engagement at any given point. SDC is supporting us for more than ten years; long before Manuel Sager got appointed as Director-General.
Thank you so much for your answers.
The interview was supervised by Livia Stalder, communications at Ruedi Lüthy Foundation.
Photographies: Simon Huber