Act against Aids

Newlands Clinic enforces precautions

Zimbabwe has no confirmed COVID-19 cases until now. We are monitoring the situation closely. Newlands Clinic is continuously adapting the measures we already took. We are welcoming every patient in a temporary pavilion as of Monday. Our medical staff will measure temperature, ask questions about their health status and other possible risks. Thus, we are keeping control of everyone entering and leaving the clinic. Patients with a suspected corona infection will be sent to the designated hospital by our medical staff.

Zimbabwe is also preparing for an emergency case. The government enforced traveling regulations and closed small border crossings. Gatherings of more than 100 people stand suspended until further notice. Schools stay closed as of Monday. Some bar owners shut down their restaurants voluntarily. Without any doubt, Zimbabwe is facing significant challenges. The public health system is nearly down. Zimbabwe lacks medication, test kits, ventilators, and hospital beds. But public Hospitals are preparing as best as they can. Many people are suffering from malnutrition, living in slum-like conditions, and having poor hygiene conditions. We do not know how corona epidemic is developing under these circumstances.