In the past year, we at the Ruedi Lüthy Foundation have mastered many challenges, and we’ve grown even closer together. I’d like to tell you about this. Last summer Ulrich B. Mayer, who had been chair of the board of trustees from the very beginning, handed over the chairman’s reins to me for health reasons before stepping down from the board at the end of the year. He has led the foundation with heart and soul for 19 years, sparing no effort to drive the project forward. We are sincerely grateful to him. Communications expert and former diplomat Beat Wagner likewise left the board at the end of 2022. We’d also like to thank him for his highly appreciated work and commitment.
In addition to changes in the board of trustees, we are also busy with the strategic and organisational development of the foundation. To this end, in October I travelled to Zimbabwe to meet and talk with the directorate and the local staff. I was deeply impressed by the team’s professionalism and dedication. I was able to take away important insights for further work on our strategy. I heard, for example, how the treatment of people with HIV has changed in recent years. You can read more about this in the interview with our Director Clinical Affairs Dr Margie Pascoe (starting page 8).
Finally, I would like to thank you, our donors and partners, for your benevolent support in the past year. Without you, our work would not be possible.”