Act against Aids

The Foundation: Mission statement

Help for people with HIV in southern Africa

The Ruedi Lüthy Foundation works in southern Africa, where the Aids epidemic is most widespread. We want to combat this disease over the long term, by caring for HIV patients at Newlands Clinic, by training healthcare professionals, and by engaging in research.

A tour of Newlands Clinic

Effective HIV therapy involves so much more than merely dispensing medicines, and there’s so much more to the multifaceted and wide-ranging services offered by our Clinic. On the tour, member of the Patronage Committee Patrick Rohr explains what makes our comprehensive approach to treatment so special.

The Ruedi Lüthy Foundation (formerly Swiss Aids Care International) was set up in 2003 by Prof. Ruedi Lüthy with the goal of providing comprehensive care for HIV and Aids patients in southern Africa. The Foundation now runs Newlands Clinic, an outpatient facility in the Zimbabwean capital of Harare that provides long-term treatment for over 8,000 HIV patients, and that also has its own Training Centre and Women's Health Centre.

Long-standing donors and partners

The Ruedi Lüthy Foundation is funded by donations and by contributions from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Other key partners include Zimbabwe's Ministry of Health and Child Care, and Swiss foundations and companies. We would also like to sincerely thank all our partners and donors for their considerable support and commitment.

The Foundation's purpose

The purpose of the Ruedi Lüthy Foundation is to provide compre­hensive care to HIV and Aids patients in southern Africa. In doing so, we focus not just on HIV treat­ment for destitute patients (A), but also on the training of health­care workers (B) and on research (C). Our commit­ment is for the long term, since the HIV/Aids epi­demic will not be stop­ped by short-term emer­gency aid but by sustained efforts locally.

The Foundation: Board of Trustees

Passionately committed

The members of the Board of Trustees bring a wealth of expertise from various fields, and provide unstinting support to the Ruedi Lüthy Foundation and Newlands Clinic.

The members of the Board of Trustees:

  • Martin Fuhrer, former Head of International Cooperation at the Swiss Red Cross, Bern
  • Harald Henggi, Business Economist, Spiegel bei Bern (President of the Board)
  • Ruedi Lüthy, Prof. em., Founder of the Foundation and Newlands Clinic, consultant, Harare/Muntelier
  • Gregor Neidhart, certified expert in accounting and controlling, Winterthur
  • Eliane Rohner, PD Dr. med., Medical Practitioner and Researcher at the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine at the University of Bern, Bern (Vice President)
  • Manuel Sager, former Director-General of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC, Gümligen
  • Gilles Wandeler, Prof. Dr. med., Senior Physician at the University Clinic for Infectious Diseases at the Inselspital Bern and Senior Research fellow at the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine at the University of Bern, Fribourg

"Ruedi Lüthy is all about pro­vid­ing help that is pro­fes­sion­al and com­pre­hen­sive, but also heart-felt and com­pas­sion­ate. That's why I sup­port the Foun­dation."

Martin Fuhrer, member of the Board of Trustees

The Foundation: Supporters

Our supporters

Without the moral and active support of the Patronage Committee and the former Scientific Advisory Council (until June 2024), Prof. Ruedi Lüthy would never have succeeded in making Newlands Clinic what it is today. Our heartfelt thanks go to all of our supporters!


Patronage Committee

  • Kurt Aeschbacher, former SRF television presenter and journalist, Zurich
  • Ruth Dreifuss, former Swiss Federal Councillor, Geneva
  • Felix Gutzwiller, Prof. em., former Director of the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Zurich
  • Patrick Rohr, communications consultant, photographer and journalist, Zurich/Amsterdam (formerly member of our Board of Trustees)
  • Marcel Stutz, former Swiss Ambassador
  • Martin Täuber, Prof. em., former Rector of the University of Bern
  • Alexandra Trkola, Prof., Head of the Institute of Medical Virology, University of Zurich

"Newlands Clinic not only pro­vides care for its own pa­tients, it also trains staff for other clinics in Zim­babwe and seeks to educate the pop­u­la­tion. That's why I support the Ruedi Lüthy Foundation."

Former Federal Councillor Ruth Dreifuss, member of the Patronage Committee.

"Ruedi Lüthy and his team have given thousands of people the gift of a new life, and a life with dignity. That in itself is reason enough for me to support the foundation with all my heart."

Patrick Rohr, member of the Patronage Committee